When I got home, I had a surprise waiting for me in the mailbox -- my very first bills! I was a little hesitant, but also excited, as it was almost like having a landmark moment: the first time I paid my own bills. Luckily, having such a small house, the bill was only §8. I used a little of what I had left over to add a couple necessities to the house, namely some wallpaper and floor carpeting. I also got a small chain-pull lightbulb for next to my bed because I do like to read at night, sometimes.
The next morning, I awoke to another surprise: a raccoon had knocked over my garbage can and gotten into my garbage! Being a little bit of an idiot, I tried to pet it and for my pains got my finger bitten. I hope I don't get rabies. Anyway, the raccoon ran away, and I picked up the mess it had left me.
I felt super excited because it was my very first day at work. I dressed up nicely and headed over to Barney's for training and stuff. And wouldn't you like to know? Almost as soon as I got there, I got a request for a makeover!
My very first customer ever was a nice elderly lady named Ma. "Mah naime is Ma, Ma Bagley. Most ever'body calls me Ma," she told me in her warm, comforting voice. "Ah would like you to he'p me figur out somethin' nice to wear to mah neighbor's graduration. It's a nice, formal occasion, and I don't really have any ideer what to wear!"
Of course, I had to help her then! She was so sweet, nobody could turn her down. I decided to give her a glamorous silvery-grey coat lined with Siberian Tiger-striped fur and a custom hat I designed myself. It made her really happy, which of course pleased me. And she was so nice afterwards; she tipped me §10!
After Ma left, I had a quick chat with Nellie, who, like me, is a budding stylist. She also had just finished styling somebody. It turned out that Nellie has a wonderful sense of humor, and that she's a natural cook. She told me that it's been like that since she was younger; she just always enjoyed puttering around in the kitchen. Perhaps I'll invite her over sometime so I can sample her cooking.

Just a few short hours later, I was on my way home after my first day on the job, with §60 more than I had started the day with! Booyah!
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